Phoenix Commons
Cohousing and People of Faith
Cohousing, with it’s emphasis on intentional neighbourhood is a rich opportunity for people influenced by or affiliated with the Judaeo Christian tradition (or most faith traditions) which have care for neighbours as a central theme. Cohousing could be a great option for members of your congregation for spiritual reasons plus the benefits of increased autonomy and purpose, decreased isolation, smaller foot print and fun!
Cohousing and Places of Faith
Cohousing provides a way for churches to sell or redevelop their property and continue their legacy of love by creating on their property a cohousing development. If there is a relationship between the new cohousing owners and the original faith community there can also be the use of the multi – purpose cohousing common house for church activities.
People/ Places of Faith Explore Cohousing: Six Session Online Series
This online series is a way for members affiliated with a particular faith community to explore cohousing with the intention of checking out cohousing for themselves individually and/or as stewards of a church property. Topics covered include:
- Introduction to cohousing
- Cohousing as part of a spiritual journey
- The road map for creating a new cohousing project
- Exploration of how cohousing can be a positive option for existing churches who need to sell for repurpose their property.
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