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We need community more now than ever. Being a part of a community makes our lives fuller, happier and easier. Would you like to know your neighbours and be connected through regular activities and events?

Then an Intentional Neighbourhood might be right for you

Cooking Up Intentional Neighbourhoods

What are Intentional Neighbourhoods (IN)?

They are created through the Four Yeses:

1.  It’s All About The Food – Eating together is the secret sauce of community. When we enjoy meals with people, we like them more and they like us more.

2. The TCP Factor – Being part of an Intentional Neighbourhood is about being involved – Time, Commitment and Participation.

3. The Three Ups – Show up, Speak Up and Listen Up. In thriving neighbourhoods, people speak their truth kindly and listen hard to their neighbours.

4. Gift Mindedness – Our neighbourhood will be stronger as we share our gifts and appreciated the gifts of others.


Intentional Neighbourhood Housing Co-op

Information Session

Tuesday – May 24, 7:00pm


Would you like secure housing with great neighbours in Bridgeland?

So much is happening!

  • We are pursuing purchase of a 36 unit property as a housing co-operative
  • We will blend the ownership advantages of housing co-ops with the best practices of cohousing in an Intentional Neighbourhood Housing Co-op
  • Meet the Activation Team!

We will answer your questions:

  • Co-operative housing, cohousing, Intentional Neighbourhood – what are we saying?
  • How do I get involved?
  • Where/when/how much?
  • WHO!!!

Register here for Information Session on Zoom 

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